sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008


I don´t know what i think. I´m confused. I want to kiss him and just hug him. It´s so hard! I´m very tired. I try and try, but i can´t. Not in that place. People walking around me, strangers i think, but they know me. Walking on my feet. And i know what they are thinking. They talk and talk about everything and everyone. This is very sad, you know. I just... just hug him.

Um comentário:

Raíssa N. disse...

Oh my god. I don't believe in my eyes. What they're seeing. It's beautiful!!!
I hope you can get to hug him soon! And kiss him, of course!
Now, let's help you some grammar.

depois de want tem que vir o to. I want to kiss him. e o Only serve mais como únicamente. Se você quiser dizer "só abraçar" melhor usar just. "just hug him".
no caso de want, você pode deixar sem o to, mas teria de escrever wanna kiss him. e não want kiss him. com wanna não pode ter to. com want precisa do to. mas wanna é uma forma mais informal, amis de giria.

I loved to read something in english written by you!! I am SO proud of you!!!